Friday, November 7, 2008

McCord Model Canoes

In addition to the McCord Museum's collection of paddles, they've got a nice set of model BirchBark canoes of various design. Here are three examples with some details. Clicking on each pic will forward you to the Museum's info page on each item

Model canoe |  | M2005.151.5.1-3
Algonquin or Atikamekw Model

Model canoe |  | M2006.48.36
Atikamekw model circa 1930-1960

Model canoe |  | ACC4916
Passamaquoddy model circa 1900-1910

These ones aren't built to scale and don't have the appropriate number of ribs but they are nonetheless attractive pieces of canoe art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are really cool model canoes. Where can I see more?

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