Clamped cherry edges
For the exposed basswood tips, I thought I would use some of the left over cherry bits and glue them edgewise for strength. I had cut two pieces that would fit into the tip areas, shaped the edges with a rasp, and put them into position. Given the fact that clamping tightly would not be an option here, I ended up using some 5-minutes Epoxy in this area which fills gaps nicely and doesn't need clamping. At this stage, it looks pretty crappy but I'm confident that I can shape it into a decent tip. I'm thinking of covering it in a layer of epoxy thickened with with sawdust filler when it is finally shaped to form a bit of resin tip from a technique I read about on BlueStem Paddler.

Cherry tips cut out; Epoxied into position
Today was a decent day in Toronto, so I ended up on the balcony for some rough planing. The basswood is really easy to carve and the cherry isn't bad either. After a short time I began drowning in shavings and had quickly worked both blades down to the level where I'll continue with the spokeshave later.

Shaving down the blades; The springtime view of the city
JUNE 19/08 Update: Paddle is now complete and final part has been posted

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