Painted 7 1/2 foot (90") guide paddle
Wagon Wheel Blue and Ox Blood Red
Here's another long antique guide paddle with interesting grip and grain pattern...

Early Maine Paddle
Tiger Maple
76" long
Blade width 9 1/4"
Also found this picture of three paddles from one of their archived pages of completed auctions. The paddle on the left has an interesting scalloped design and rudimentary roll grip at the top. Unfortunately no other details

Set of 3 paddles

1 comment:
Currently I'm using a plastic and metal paddle I bought at Walmart, functional enough but it's not going to be something I like. I built a double bladed kayak paddle years ago out of straight grained cedar and really liked it, but a friend tried it out and snapped the joint in the center somehow. One of those things you can't quite fix and I haven't gotten around to making a new one. Yours certainly look better, guess I'll have to raise my standards.
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