Many thanks for your continued interest in my little hobby page. I haven't been able to post as of late since we purchased a new more carving on a condo balcony. After weeks of extra work on my plate, we're finally set to move in tomorrow, but won't have internet setup until some time next week.
Everyone else has been busy carving paddles it seems - this week alone I've received pics from 3 readers showcasing their work...hope to have these wonderful works of art posted when I get up and running again.
Exhaustedly yours,

Congrats on the purchase of your new HOUSE!!! No wonder you don't have any time for blogging right now. I have been meaning to get back to you as well to answer you Q about the Maple leaf paddles I tried. Basically, the issue turned out to be the varnish wanting to flake away from the leaves. Even though the leaves were washed and pressed flat. I am looking at tring a different sealer for them. Let me know if you ever try it and Let me know how how it turns out for you! Enjoy the summer in your new house with your family!
Congrats on new house....does this mean a workshop???? Possibly even room to build another canoe???? Looking forward to reading new posts on Paddlemaking soon.
BTW, are you heading to National Canoe Day in Peterborough next week????
Thanks guys. New house = unlimited work! The place is perfect for my little guy and my wife, but sacrifices needed to be garage or space for a workshop for me :( But I'm not really into power tools anyway - plenty of space in the backyard for me to set up a shaving horse, weild an axe, and work with a crooked knife.
Can't make it to National Canoe Day in P'borough but wish I was there! I'm sure we'll all connect again sometime this summer!
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