Jocko Carle & Basil Smith Raffle Canoe
Addition photos: Facebook Album
The canoe is in great shape considering it is nearly 50 years old. It is constructed with a single piece of bark (rare these days) and needs some new lashings, a thwart and some re-pitching. If the fundraiser is successful, Mike will restore the canoe to be water worthy. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards future First Nation community canoe builds.
Tickets are just $100 and 100 will be available. A 1-in-100 chance are great odds for winning this boat. Mike is asking for payments to be done by e-transfer to or through PayPal. So far just 15 of the 100 have been sold and a deadline is approaching. So anyone interested in this chance should move fast.
Additional information or to contact Mike through facebook, check out this page HERE.

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