I've posted a famous photo of Gabe with a canoe paddle on the site before beginning with a 2008 listing on LiveAuctioneers.com which had an original albumen photograph with the hand written caption "Indian Guide, c1870".

Lot 2478: Albumen Photo
American "Indian Guide", 1870
Original Listing
At the time, I was unaware who the guide was until blog reader Luc Poitras informed me of the guide's identity. Another black and white image of the same pose is found in the University of New Brunswick archives.
In 1860, the then 18-year-old Prince of Wales (future King Edward VII) visited Fredericton. After paddling by Government House in his birchbark canoe, Gabe was hailed by the prince who is intrigued by the canoe's construction. Gabe casually invited him for a ride and paddled the future king to the mouth of the Nashwaak River before returning. Many years later, Gabe was invited to England in 1883 as one of Canada’s entries in the International Fisheries Exhibition in London.
Subsequently a book was published, Fisheries of the World : an Illustrated and Descriptive Record of the International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. A sketch was included with the caption "Indian in Birch Canoe, Fisheries Exhibition" and is quite likely an image of Gabe.
"Indian in Birch Canoe, Fisheries Exhibition "
Whymper, F. Fisheries of the World : an Illustrated and Descriptive Record of the International Fisheries Exhibition. London : Cassell : Co.: Limited, 1883.
Page 96
The grainy closeup of the image shows quite a distinct Maliseet style paddle with elongated grip and carved ornamental drip ring...
Paddle Closeup
As a comparison, check out this post featuring some Maliseet paddles dated to circa 1880 at the New Brunswick Museum.

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