The advertisement photos show well aged paddles (likely maple) carved in a manner consistent with the Iroquoian tradition of a reverse-spatulate blade with tiny, flattened grips.
c1890 bark canoe and paddles
c1890 bark canoe and paddles
As a comparison, here are some known Iroquois (Mohawk) paddles in the collection of the Royal Ontario Museum:
ROM Paddles - Iroquois
late 19th - early 20th century
Area of Origin: Northeast; Ontario; Canada; North America; Six Nations of the Grand
Another set of Iroquois paddles were posted on Here is a shot of decorated Iroquois paddles from LiveAuctioneer that I posted on before.
Pair of Painted Iroquois Canoe Paddles,
red and white painted blade, unpainted shaft; each 65.5" long.
Ex Howard K. Echenstern Collection.

Any idea how long the ROM paddles are. Love this design
Sorry for the late response. I got a chance to check out these paddles in the ROM's storage collection and took detailed measurements. Wrote an article for Wooden Canoe journal with all the details and additional information. PDF link is Hope that helps.
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