With a whopping $5.00 on the line, Hopkins' character calmly recites that the image on the other side of the blade is rabbit smoking a pipe.

Elaborating on this native tradition, Hopkins later explains that the rabbit is smoking a pipe because he is unafraid; the rabbit is unafraid because he is smarter than the panther. This brief exchange serves as foreshadowing for the events ahead in the film...which features a very angry Grizzly bear later on...but that's another scene.
The symbol of the confident rabbit has been reincarnated in modern times as the Trademarked logo of Mad River Canoe company. A page on their site describes the legend further...
Native American legend has it that Rabbit was a great hunter and a bit of a trickster, but most of all Rabbit was confident in his abilities. So confident in fact, that even as Lynx circles the fern, planning his attack, Rabbit is free to enjoy his pipe, secure in his abilities to avoid this mortal enemy.To film mentions that this is specifically a Cree legend, but that may be a bit of artistic license. Adney describes the decoration used on Malecite canoes on pages 86-87 in Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America It also seems that this imagery featured prominantly in the Passamaquoddy birchbark artwork of Tomah Joseph. Ferdy Goode posted some great pics of this Wooden Canoe forums.

Where can I purchase a paddle like the one in the movie "the Edge" with the panther & the rabbir
Don't have a clue...try making one yourself. There's enough info in the archives of this blog to show you how to do it.
where can i get a better picture of the whole paddle so I can try re-creating the same design on an old beavertail i have that needs restoration?
Don't know of anywhere else you can find this design...I think it was a movie prop that was made to fit the script with quite a bit of creative license. The only thing I can think of is to rent the DVD and try to do a screen capture on your computer.
I had a paddle painted for my husband by an aspiring artist. She did a fantastic job and my husband was totally pleased. It looks exactly like the one on the Edge and she created it from pictures I blew up from the movie clip.
I'd like to purchase a paddle replica like the one in the movie The Edge.. anyone with any info can email me @ sonnyhooper78@yahoo.com thanks!
I bought a useed paddle from an antique shop and had a local artist paint it for my husband's birthday. It's beautiful and looks just like the movie prop. Wish I could paste a picture of it.
rabbits and panthers did not exist in america. Thus it is unbelieve that native tribes can uses them as symbols
We have panthers to this day in Southwest Florida, so that statement is incorrect. Of course, we also have rabbits, too. lol.
The paddle was painted by an artist here in Canmore Alberta named Chris Dymitri he also carved the Totem Poles from blue styrofoam, i was on the crew of the movie for 6 months, I own the chestnut canoe seen at the end of The Edge and will sell it for 1500.00 text 403 688 2111 Rodger
Can you get me in touch with the person who did yours. I need one. Thank you.
Can anyone point me in the direction to get a good replica. I need one. Please and thanks.
Jared Wilson,
Were you able to get a paddle? I am making one now for my dad. I would be willing to do one for you possibly.
I would love that as long it didn't break me. You can get ahold of me directly at jbwilson3791@yahoo.com I am very responsive to emails. Thank you for the inquiry, I'm excited.
Hey Unknown - How's your paddle coming along? I am also making one and was wondering how you were progressing with yours -
Im looking for a replica of this paddle. I plan to gift it to my father as his 50th birthday present. Could someone please tell me where I could buy one or where can I get one crafted, I would really apreciate it. here is my contact info. jgsadas@gmail.com. Thanks!
I am just finishing making one for my sister's birthday. I am pretty happy with the way it has turned out.
Would you be willing to make another one for our aunt's 60th birthday. We wanted as a group gift for her cabin. You can text me at 250 215 8731 and my name is Linda
I do not know if you got my first message but I am looking for that paddle if you're willing to make one you can call me at 250 215-8731
I got your message Linda - you can email me directly at eheape@zeusinc.com
I'd like to get a replica as well. Estolano@gmail.com
Hello from Canmore Alberta. I made that paddle for the movie. I am now basically retired, so I could do another one if anyone is interested. I would also be happy to give anyone some tips on how to do their own. The one for the movie was made out of a 2x6 board of spruce. If you plan on making your paddle from scratch use lots of oil to seal it or it will probably crack. Also you might want to make an even nicer paddle. My first designs were rejected, as the art director said that it was too busy for a quick shot. So what you see in the movie is a simple easy to view image. Also to get the aged look... The paddle was painted and then the paint was sanded off. Sometimes a few different layers of paint were used.
Sorry, I guess I should add my email to the comment abvove. icdmytriw@gmail.com. If you are looking to do a copy of it. I would be happy to send better pictures so that it is easier to do. Or you might be able to find a copy of the paddle that I did on Etsy.
Good morning Chris, do you have any drawings or templates that you could pass on. The movie paddle was great it had a certain look that I have not seen dupicated.
Thank you for this,I also am interested so if you could send images that would be awesome.
Kevin OKeefe in Mendota Hgts,MN handcrafts them. He can be contacted through Craigslist/St.Paul.
You can get one at upacreek.us. They have a version of the Cree Indian paddle. Hand made and excellent quality
I make these paddles - email is eheape@zeusinc.com
Up A Creek makes the Cree Indian paddle. Go to www.upacreek.us.
I need 2 paddles like the one in the movie the edge.
For mine and my best friends 50th birthday.
I would like them close to identical. To the movie.
Need them by July 1st
Let me know thank you all
I would like 2
My name is John
It's for a. 50th birthday.
Please let me know if not all good ty
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